Emotional Harmony workshop - focused on anger & self-esteem
Tisdag 8 November 2022 :: 18.00-20.00
In this workshop we will look into the psychology of being human, and take a closer look at how emotional patterns such as anger or low self-esteem can be the cause of unnecessary suffering in our lives.
A greater understanding of ourselves can have a positive effect, not only on our physical and emotional health but also make an important difference in our relationships.
Govind will share his insights on the topic focusing mainly on two equally important parts of our humanity: the concepts of low self-esteem, sadness and anger.
Have you ever had a sense of not being good enough, or suppressing an angry reaction because the situation didn’t allow you to express it?
Are you carrying sadness from something recent or perhaps something that happened a long time ago?
This workshop is for You and everyone else who is curious about a deeper approach to the practice of Yoga.
The workshop consists of physical Yogic tools derived from asanas combined with Yogic Psychological tools.
Govind classes are always based on principles of Ayurveda, Yoga & Astrology and take place in easy-to-understand English.
Both beginners and seasoned yogis are welcome.
About Govind
Govind’s mission is to share awareness about the deeper paths of yoga and to exemplify that practising yoga and meditation with the right attitude, wisdom and awareness will make you enter deeper states of consciousness.
Govind is an Indian yoga master who has taught spiritual yoga and meditation in India, & Europe since his spiritual awakening as a teenager. He is known for his compassionate way of sharing spiritual knowledge from the ancient Indian path of yoga. Govind is known for mixing his life wisdom with humour and for bridging the cultural differences between east and west.
Govind ger även en individuella Ayurvediska konsultationer under hela tisdagen.
Tisdag 8 November
Plats: YogaDevi Järfälla :: Veddestavägen 24
Pris: 450 kr
Begränsat antal platser
”Att gå workshop för Govind är både upplyftande och glädjefullt. Govind har förmågan att blanda djup kunskap med humor. Han har förmågan att ta in samtliga i en grupp, han SER var och en och i sin tysthet vet han redan varför just du är på workshopen.”
”På Govinds workshop var det som att det han förmedlar kommer direkt i från källan. Känns så äkta och det går rakt in i själen. Å hans personlighet är helt underbar.”
”Guidar lättsamt i intuition och från kroppens inre källa. Skönt förankrad i nuet samtidigt som tusentals år av kunskap får träda fram.”